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Lateral Balance Course
Welcome to this Course
Take the Test! (2:03)
How to Navigate the Course (2:45)
Building your Safe Space/ What is the Talk Test/ What is Strength Training? (1:34)
What is Cardio? (1:32)
Quality vs. Quantity (1:00)
Lateral Balance Test
Lateral Balance Weeks 1-3 (10:49)
Lateral Balance Weeks 4-6 (12:29)
Lateral Balance Weeks 7-8 (21:46)
Re-Take the Test! (2:03)
In Depth Coaching Videos
Side Step Jumping Jack (0:36)
Hip Abduction (0:35)
Skip It (0:32)
Side Lunge to Balance (0:43)
½ Jumping Jack (0:45)
Hip Abduction Isometric (0:47)
Side Shuffle to Lateral Reach (0:47)
Lateral Kickstand Isometric (0:53)
Troubleshooting Videos
Side Step Jumping Jack (0:54)
Hip Abduction (0:53)
Skip It (0:27)
Side Lunge to Balance (0:30)
½ Jumping Jack (0:52)
Hip Abduction Isometric (1:07)
Side Shuffle to Lateral Reach (1:15)
Lateral Kickstand Isometric (0:37)
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Re-Take the Test!
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